Browsing Tag:marriage


HelIo buddies!! I  really can not tell you how much I am enjoying the response coming for my wedding series.

My look for the night
My look for the night

This is the 2nd day ,that is one day before marriage .I was given lot of time to make arrangements for the big day while everyone in the house were moving annoyingly busy . I was actually rather cool and had to face many questions for that as if that was sin to be a bride and be cool at the same time . As everyone would expect the house was quite chaotic ,everyone was running around half of them did not even know what they were doing …

I did multiple things throughout the day .I helped them decorate things used for wedding . I tried on few things like the basket I will be sitting in on the wedding day . ( am i making sense ? O.K. You will understand in next post ) . My other duty was getting constant updates from my husband about their journey to our place.

My marriage happened at a very small town in which my grandparents from both sides lived .My in laws live at Hyderabad .The distance is around 260 km  . Everyone got boosted up with excitement by 6 in the evening, shouting ” Ohhhh.!!!!They are near by ,they are just few mins away..” . They reached our place by around 7 pm.

We have a welcome ceremony called “Edurkollu ” ,which is welcoming Groom and his family with refreshments and then there will be a Puja. We booked 2 halls for wedding at one hall this ceremony took place.

By the time they arrived everyone left me with a young sister at home . I was called later at 9 .

Him ,ceremony of feeding sugar to each other
Him ,                                                        ceremony of feeding sugar to each other
 Few more memories
Few more memories
weight of gifts
weight of gifts

When i reached the venue ,i was ushered to a room . Then I saw ‘him’  and God . I started getting palpitations . It is not like i saw ‘him’ for the first time or anything .I had known him for more then 8 months and we met exactly a week before .But the marriage had some effect on me I think. Seeing him suddenly in traditional attire ( like ‘let’s get started with this’ kinda look.)

made me elated and anxious at the same time.

There were some more rituals ,some more Puja. Our families presented clothes and gifts to each other. The whole process took

some 2hrs. Then the time for dinner ,which was arranged in some other Hall.

We arranged one traditional Telangana cultural program known as ‘ Oggu Katha ‘. It is one of the fine arts that belong to the region which is known to very few people. When we were planning the wedding, decided to incorporate some local ,neglected

art or cultural form rather than fancy ,famous forms like Orchestra or bollywood dance. My parents saw this at a temple program and thought this as impressive. They had difficult time in tracing those artists . They inquired at many places,finally my father found them with help of his previous students . ( It is always best to be a teacher ,you will have thousands of old students and at least half of them will be really happy to help ) .That is how we hired these people who had done a spectactular performance of singing ,playing some instrument,dancing and acrobats . The performance lasted for 20mins at that place and as all the guests were walking to go to dinner The dancer’s gang preceded them continuing their performance.

oggu katha
oggu katha

I reached home at 12 am after dinner ,drifted into sleep reminding myself that the next day by the same time I would be a married woman.

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If you missed my first 2 posts of wedding series ,find them down below .

5 days of TELUGU WEDDING : Day 1,part1

5 days of TELUGU WEDDING : Day 1,part2

I like to write about our culture as well …read some related posts

Bathukamma : a history , a heritage , a childhood

Karthika pournami :Dazzling home town

Crazy PRE Wedding photoshoot



